

Sherpa is the AI-powered platform that helps you build job-specific resumes and cover letters that will get you noticed.

hero business page

Tailor your application with a variable-driven approach

Consolidate and reuse important information from your past experience, projects, internships, hackathons, and open source contributions to create a tailored resume and cover letter for each job you apply to. Highlight your most relevant skills and experience for each job to make a lasting impression on potential employers

Highlight your skills and experience in a central place

Take inventory of your skills and experience in the form of projects worked on , internships, hackathons, and open source contributions to build a resume that showcases your best assets.

import projects from Github

Your personal projects are one of the important assets of your resume , with one click you can import your projects from Github

Rich text editor

Add final touches to your resume with the cherry-markdown rich text editor with support for markdown syntax ,

AI generation

AI generate your resume and cover letter